Wednesday, December 31, 2008

penutup 2008~ demmm!

kete ( mr. Pelangi) kne pecah. Siang-siang ari lak ( pembuat laku) tu wat kije. uishh. berani tol. Percaya atau tidak, kejadian ni berlaku di Tesco Ampang. Haihh.

Dah xkire ekk terang2 dan ramai org pon leh jadik je kijenye. kejadian ni terjadik 2-3 ari lepas gitu la..baru nk cite coz tunggu untuk dapatkan bukti kes(gambar) dari Mr.Pelangi jek. ekkekekk.

So nak dijadikan cite.. ni la keadaan kete Mr.Pelangi ari tu, ha.. tengok.. lopong tingkap belakang seat driver. Cam tak caye je bile tgk gamba ni, salu saya tgk lam berita ja..

Menurut Mr.Pelangi lagi, bile dah nampak kete die dah terlopong mcm ni, dengan serta merta die start menghafal sifir yg xsepatutnye die hafal. kuar la kat mulut die tu sgala mcm jenis binatang yg halal dan haram. berkarung2 gak la. ahhahha. Then, Mr.Pelangi wat report kat balai polis Ampang.

Yang peliknye, pelaku tu amik camera ngan beg galas die p kije. Helmet yg mahai kaler putih tu pelakunye x amik plak yer. Sib baik pelaku tu x geledah satu kete.
Walaupon kete Mr.pelangi ni tinted memg xnampak dalam, ni boleh detect valueable thingy kat dalam kete tuh. Menurut polisi(enchek Polis), sekang ni ade technology sensor yg bleh detect brg2 mahal walaupon kite letak dalam bonet kete. iskk!! cuak gak saya, coz saya suke letak laptop lam kete. aiyayaii.

haa nampak x kaler biru kehijauan kat ujung tu? tu la cermin yg terpelanting sampai ujung sana time pecahkan cermin. hancusss tu... sib baik ade tinted, xde la kaca-kaca bersepah lam kete..

anyway, Mr.Pelangi redha walau Mr. Pelangi amat sedikit ralat sebab kehilangan camera kesayangannya yang berharga 2+++ ngan cash money rm 1+++ dlm beg kija dia. So, kerugian Mr.Pelangi lebey kurang 4+++ termasuk la ngn kos p ganti cermin yg pecah itu. huhu.. byk jugek. adalah baek jika duit itu balanje saya soppingpeace

Apepon, arap2 Mr. Pelangi bawak2 sabar yek.. jgn nangehh!! awak ade saye!! harge saya lebey dari rm4+++ itewww senamhahahhaha.

nota kiri: Pesanan tuk sume:

1. jgn tinggal barang berharga dalam kete kamu keyy!!

2. Sape2 salu shopping kat area tesco Ampang, baek2 yer coz menurut enchek polis, disitu adalah black area coz bfore this tapak tesco itu adalah bekas tapak setinggan

3. Make sure wat polis report walaupon xleh nk claim insurans ataupon kerugian tak seberapa mana.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

get back to school :D

it's 25th dec.Yup!! it's jinglebell holiday. and also... 5 more days to go before the classy day starts!! i'm in good mood for this classy mode. hahhaha. lets say..for couple of weeks. hehe. hope so. hahaha. well that's good enough for people like me who can get bored about something in short time jelir

By the way, i already arranged my lecture timetable...baca

*computer network security on monday*
*distributed system on wednesday*
*Advanced topic in programming on Thursday*
*Object Oriented Technique on Friday*

Ohh its look like i'm off on tuesday- oke ler.. iseng

i'm taking 4 subjects for this 2nd semester. need to work hard coz " someone" already threated me to take away mirmo from me. apakah??tazmania grrrr..!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

apo laa nasebb... =(

kedai makan tu goreng nasi yg dah basi
saya makan separuh
kemudian, saya sakek perut =(
Now, i'm so tired to meet "Mr.Tan" again n again =(
erks! xcuse me. gtg!! =(

Friday, December 19, 2008


Sape yg sungguh genius wujudkan BORANG-BORANGAN ni?? *rolling eyes*haihhhhhhhh menyusahkan idup saya la. SAYA TAK SUKA NK ISI FORM. haa.. ni nk wat sepanduk tunjuk perasaan ni. hahahahha.

iskk. rimas la. ape2 jek kne isi form. aiyaiyaiiii. mencikkkkkkk! mencikkkkk! Sekang ni dah ade 3 forms yg terbengkalai berkirun2. *Diulangi * berkirun2. hahahaa. Sape nye kija?? Sayaaaaaaaaa punya kija. hahahha.

- satu form dari umt yg saya terima awal2 masuk um dalam bulan tujuh gitu. x isi satu hape. ade dalam dekat 30 helai form yek. walaupon kat situ terpampang sila isi dan pulangkan dengan kadar segera lalalalal~ mati la haku :'((

- satu form dari kpt, erk. satu form je actually. form jawapan yg duwekk biasiswa dah masuk. tu pon aku x terisi lagih. pe'el ape yg ang bawak ni cik aina. hieeeeeee

-satu lagi borang bank. haihhhhhhhh. selagi tak isi slagi tu la tergendala. hahahha. gwe pusinggg */@!1*&x??

ni sume berpunca dari borang yg byk songeh. bukan manusia jek byk songeh yek. ahhahaha. salahkan borg. hahhaha

*sila isi borang ini dengan huruf besar*
*sila gunakan bolpen kaler itam*
*sila mati stem*
*sila bla bla bla*
*sila blurrrr* tu saya yg blurrr.

kan bagus kalu isi borang tu semudah mengeget aiskrim paddlepop pelangi!! (o_-)'' bertapa~pooff!!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

bertunang- adakah perlu??

Gambar sekadar hiasan~ santiknye... :D

isu di sini bukan psai saya nk tunang ke hape. Jgn nak wat spekulasi di sini *haku cekak pinggang sambil menjegil mata* taw pun takut. wakakakak. just nak berkongsi pen-dapat saya la. Bile ckp psal tunang saya excited satu jek. leh pkai baju lawa2, make-up pastu dapat cincin. hahaha. yg risiko-risiko psal putus tunang, tak jadik kawen tu yang saya x suke. haihhhh. Mitak jauh la kan.

Ada org suke tunang sorok2, ade org tunang heboh2. tiap org de style dan reason masing2. saya?? saya still xtaw adakah tunang tu perlu atau tak. ekekekke. bagaimana pendapat anda?Anda rasa patutkah kite bertunang?? hahhaha. sapekah anda?? :P

Kate org tua, tapi org muda sekg pon ada kate gak ekekkek, bertunang ni byk dugaan. :D btulkah?? atau saje berkate2 demikian untuk menakut-nakutkan tunangan2 org agar cepat2 disatukan?? ni nk wat research ni ahhahhaa. Tapi saya ade terbaca satu blog tak lama dulu psal tunang dan kebaikan-kebaikannya lah.

1. untuk membuktikan yg masing2 serius dgn ikatan yg dijalinkan. Yela, boleh nampak la kesungguhan diri masing2 utk saling memiliki dan bukan hanya sekadar main2 atau sekadar hanya taw mengucapkan "i lap u" sampai berkematu mulut. hahaha

instant iklan 2 saat- Sape dah tgk cite ni. best ke ekk? :D

2. bile dah bertunang, dengan seniriknye akan set goal atau mark satu starting point tuk step yg lebih jauh dan mental emosi lebih tenang dan bersedia untuk memiliki umah+tangga*
xkisah la tangga batu ke kayu ke LOL*. ekekekek

3. Bertunang jugek leh wat ati masing2 rasa lega, yela family masing2 dah merestui dan mengetahui dengan siapa kita bercinta. iye dok?? xyah la nk sembunyik2 p dating, xyah nk btaw p umah dak jijahh padahal nk p dating ngn dak ajiz. and x payah dah nak suh kekasih ati drop by tepi tembok umah jiran xmo kasi bapak yg garang nampak.hahahha. *gelak2 blakang tiang*

4. Kalu jadik ape2, sedap skit kite nk ckp kan, kot2 la terserempak ngn jiran time ngedate tu senang skit nk bahasakan tunang dgn diorg. iskk xkan nk ckp boipren/ gelpren ataupon kekasih hati. hahahha mau naik terpacak bulu idung jiran yg dengo. hahhaha. :D

5. Selain tu, time ni la kire family kedua2 pasangan ni bleh suai knal. bak dak2 student ckp.
orientation week. bezanya xde ragging jekk. ahhahaha.

wahh! ade kebaikan jugekk yekk bertunang neh. ahahhaa. terpesong jap ati. ahhahha. tapi for sure saya xkan bertunang lama2 kalu saya pilih mau bertunang. *
ku bilang kalauuuuuuuuu oke* lalalala~

Monday, December 15, 2008

burung ape?? BURUNG MURAI.....

korang ingat lagi x iklan raya petronas psai soalan burung ape? burung murai yang pemess tu. ahahaha. ha kalo nk taw tu la adik Amar*sama cam nama adek haku laks*. Comel kann. :D Mom dia salu join saya and Mr.Pelangi ngn staff2 PCMC (Prince Court Medical Centre) main badminton. Saya panggil die kak zetty jek. Kadang2 dia bawak gak dak kecik tu dtg tgk kitorg main. Tapi kalu dak kecik tu dtg atometik saya xleh men. sbb sibuk duk tgk keletah dia. Best wooo. Mak dia pon sama lawak and jenis selambe jek.
pas abeh men biasa kitorg lepak dulu kt kdi mamak. dak kecik ni suke makan meggi goreng upenya.iskk!!! comeyyy laaa. GERAMM oke. *kan best kalu anak haku mcm ni. muahahhaha*.

kepada korang yg lupe or ingat2 lupe ni iklan dia, saya ade upload sini.saksikan :D

haa.. time duk search ni terjumpe lak version anak org len wat aksi burung murai ni..yg ni pon comeyy gak and klakar gilerrr hahaha :P saya xpnah tgk. tapi bile dah tgk duk ulang tayang jekkk. hahahha best2.

p/s: tgk cara ckp sah2.. anak beranak dakbaik nehh. hahahah :P

Thursday, December 11, 2008


Di sini saya.......

nak wat satu pengakuan....

bahawa saya sebenarnya......

sangat BOSANNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!! yah!!yah!! abogikkkkkkk!! aaaaaaaaa

akibat kebosanan yg terlampau saya browse image2 ni kat pak google. tgk gamba2 ni leh gelak sorg2. ahhahahha.

fuhhhh. terisi sudah masa lapang kuuuuuu.LEGA!! boleh tido lena :D

Sunday, December 7, 2008


Akak saya dah selamat dinikahkan pd 6 Disember 2008. Alhamdulillah... :D tapi malas nk update lagi.. xde mood nk blogging. hahaha. oke.. nanti kan updatenye nanti yekk.!!!

Nota Kiri: Seblom tu.. saya nk ucapkan Selamat Raya Aidiladha kepada semua.
Selamat Berkorban :D


oke..sekg dah ade mood nk blogging skit2 hehe. where should i start the story ekkk?? huuu.. no idea at all!!!!huuuuuuuuu. well, just let the piccas story everything. i'll up some pictures during the wedding day. take a look kay!!!

hehe.. it should be started with the picca of tuan tanah first rite ?? :D

The solemnization~ the event took place at Masjid Hiliran, K.Trg. "cuakness" of my brother-in-law was very "parah" and cronic that day hokeyy! till he can't memorized map to our house at all !!! hahaha. kesiannn :P

after akad nikah

the hantaran..

newly weds :))

the girls......... sile lah pilihhh except the bride hokey! :D

huhu.sakek dah pinggang duk upload ni taw!!! gamba sket sebab saya sibuk ke sana ke mari and some pictures were taken by palie using my camera. Credit for him for these awesome piccas!!! :D sori la ye. Kne tunggu official potogape la jawabnye kalu nk byk2 yek!! :D -Tamat-

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

menjawab tag besar-besarannnn

haihh. di dera oleh dak baik tuk kasi setel ini kes.huhu

1. What’s your most favourite colour?
ofokoss pink!!! :D

2. Who is the most important to you?
family dan lain2 yg sama waktu dengannya :D

3. How often do you think of commiting suicide?
huhu.Penah gak.i dont want to eat. aci dok? dikire committing suicide dok?? :P

4. Do you think you have enough confidence?
huhh. that's my major problem now. i'm lack of confident :((

5. How many babies do you want?
4 or 5. kikikikiki

6. Spouse, family, friend. If one of them drop into a river, and you can only save ONE of them, who would u save?
erk!! save myself first to makesure i'm alive to save them :D. tricky one eyhh??

7. What do you think about yourself?
very patient and sangat tidak peka ngn org sekeliling.hahahhaha

8. Do you believe in eternity love?
it's hard to find - hell yeahhh!!!

9. Do you think that the person who tagged you likes to play kidnapping?
dakbaik? anda suka main2 kidnap ka??

10. What are you really afraid of?
myself. inner devil inside me. huuuuuuu

11. What is your bad habit?
suke wat kije tangguh2 :D

12. Where’s your favourite place?
dimana ada kamu di situ tempat feveret ku.hoho~

13. Do you cherish every single friendship of yours?
of coz!! :D

14. What does flying mean to you?
having scoops of vanilla ice cream with chunks of fresh strawberry! wallaaaaaaa

15. What do you crave for most currently?
i'm on diet hokeyyy. nak kne silambam nehhhh !!

16. Are you single/relationship?
i'm in spaceship lalalala~

17. Describe the person who tagged you in 7 words.
-dak yg baik= dakbaik :P
-dari dlu sampai sekg x tonjol2 diri hahahha
-pemalu kot ahaks poyo jek
-musuh kepada mirmo :D
-terlebey sudaaaaaaaaaa

18. How do you spend your time when it rains outside?
sleeping on my comfy bed :D

19. What turns you on?
when you switch me on ekekkeke :P

20. What are you proud of the most about yourself?

21. What's your ambition?
ni soklan dak skolah rendah lah.xmo jawab lalalala~

22 Who is more important to you? Girlfriends of friends?
iskk. girfrend=friend la kan. hehe. no need to chose. yeyy!!

23. Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after the rain?
Yup!! always waiting for that moment. i love rainbows!! it takes me to the wonderlands!! :)

24.What is your goal this year?
what about next year?? erm. i'm hoping that i can finish my master on time.Amin~

25.What is your favorite television series?
when i was a kid i lov to watch Full House series and recently i am Heroes follower ;)

26. Is there anything you wanna tell to the people who hates you?

27. Most unexpected gift you received so far and when?
i received 12 pink roses from my secret admirer. till now i dont know who!!! :D

28. What have you done to yourself to make yourself happy?
window shopping

29. What will you become in another 10 years to come?
already finish my phD completely huuuuuuu. Insyaallah.. :{

30. What have you achieved in life lately to make it better?
i'm still in establishing phase..hihi..

31. Do you have secrets?
a lots!!! cant tell ya coz its a secret rite?? :D

32. Would you fall in love with a guy/gurl younger than you?
erkk!! i'm in to them or they fall for me.. ahhahahha. No komen coz age is just a number!! :)

33. Do you enjoy going to college?
Yes, coz can gossiping. ahhahahaha!

34. What would you do with a billion dollars?
spent it all out.mueheheheh

35. Will you fall in love with your friend?
can jer!!

36. Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?
i pick being loved by someone coz its tooooooooo sick loving someone hokeyy :P

37. List 5 current favourite songs:
(for now)
sile tgk carta :P

38. If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?
frust menonggeng. ahhahaha

39. List 5 favorite TV shows:
- martha stewart show
- rachel Ray show
- amazing race

40. Do you have any regrets?

41. Would you be the person that you are if you were to be reborn?
why not?? :D

42. What do you want the most at the moment?
i want straight A's in my result. huhu

43. What kind of person do you think the person that tagged you is?
kijammmmmmmmmm- suh setel ini kes :,(

44. Would you rather be single and rich or married but poor?
dont want both. :P

45. Would you give all in for a relationship?
50-60%only.huhu sorry. hardly to trust love

46. If you fall in love with two persons simultaneously, which one would you choose?
the best man wins!!! :D ade ke??

48. What are the top 5 bands that you listen to or love?
haihh.erk.. next question :D

49. Name 3 things you would like to do but never able to.
-get married with Jensen ackles 3x hahahha :D
gojess =D

nota kiri: saya jawab soklan ni dalam keadaan sakit perut.hehehehe jadi jawapon sakit la sket. loklak. :D
sekian~kes setel vieeeeeeee

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